Monday, 3rd June 2013
If you know Sam you will know he loves weather. Since he was younger he was obsessed with hurricanes and tornadoes. Finally he saw something similar, a couple of dust devils! He loved them but he said it will probably be the closest thing he'll get to seeing a tornado!
The transfer for the new Mission President is soon, his 3 years service is nearly up. Elder Black and his wife will be leaving and replaced with Elder Ahlander and his wife from Provo Utah. Since Sam doesn't really get to see the Mission President much, an interview every 2 transfers (12 weeks), Sam has already had his last interview before he will be released.
Even though Sam has the sort of the same routine, every single day is different! The mission is definitely not boring or repetitive! He went on exchanges with the Zone Leader on Friday, they were teaching a lesson and their daughter asked them if they could perform an exorcism? They explained that they don't do those and its more of a Hollywood thing. A few minutes later a Catholic Priest walks in and starts sprinkling holy water around the place and saying a prayer, at the same time that they are trying to teach a lesson!
They are up to 22 lessons so far this transfer, this time last transfer they had 20 lessons, so they are slightly ahead :)
It's 102°F today and it's going to be above 100 all week, peaking at 108°F on Saturday. Should give Sam a chance to adjust more!
Below is a photo of the park where Sam goes tracting.
This is a photo of one of the streets where they also go tracting.